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The new academic year might be slightly different than any that have gone before, and there could be many concerns about the coronavirus pandemic it could be easy to forget about home security.

However, with university cities often being places of high crime and burglary rates, it is probably wise to brush up on a few home security basics for your student digs.

We have four top tips to keep your belongings safe when you return to uni.

1. Get good insurance

While preventing crime is important, so is being prepared for if the worst does happen. Do not assume that you are covered by your university insurance if you are living in halls of residence, or that you are covered by your parents’ home contents insurance.

Thoroughly check what is covered and what is not, for example, bikes, or the theft of your laptop while you are on campus.

2. Lock doors and windows

It is the simplest of advice, but in the time it takes for you to leave your room and go to the communal kitchen for snacks and back, an opportunistic burglar can be in and out with your belongings.

It’s especially important to close doors and windows at night on your way to the student union and lock your bedroom door. Can you be sure the last person out of the flat closed and locked the door behind them?

3. Invest in basic home security tech

Don’t rely on the university or private landlords to provide any security measures, investigate and invest in some simple tech you can take with you to level up your home security.

4. Don’t show it off

Burglars are aware of the risk and unlikely to break in if there’s little chance of reward. Ensure all valuables are kept out of sight and locked away. Keep curtains and blinds closed during the day when you’re out, and leave any valuables you do not need at home with your parents.

If you need a 24-hour locksmith then get in contact!

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